Hello warriors of Aden. It’s about that time. A new update is on the horizon, which means there are important updates we need to notify our players about. Please read carefully below about the upcoming changes. You can expect a sneak peek article soon regarding the rest of the update. We look forward to sharing more soon!

Lineage II: Live

Alchemy System Removal

With our next Content Update, the alchemy system will be removed from the game:

  • Alchemy Skills Removal

    • Skills related to the Alchemy System will be removed when the Content Update patch is applied. Any materials spent to obtain these skills will be returned to the character.

  • Alchemy Skill Acquisition Materials

    • After the Content Update patch, an exchange path will be made available so players can sell their alchemy skill acquisition materials for Adena.

  • Alchemy Items Removal

    • On a future date, we plan on removing all Alchemy System related items from the game.

More information regarding the Alchemy System removal will be provided along with the Patch Notes. Please use this advance notice to prepare accordingly.

Olympiad Changes

Our next content update will bring many changes to the Olympiad system. To provide a fair environment to all players, Olympiad matches will not take place during the first week of the August cycle until the Content Update patch is released. More information regarding the Olympiad changes will be released along with the Content Update Patch Notes.

Dimensional Merchant Changes

We plan on making changes to the services available through the Dimensional Merchant with the intention of removing obsolete and no longer used options. The following options will be removed:

  • Challenger’s Weapon Exchange

  • Pauline’s R99 Weapon/Armor Exchange

  • Steam Package Exchange

  • Dragon Breath Exchange

  • Ancient Kingdom Cloak Exchange (The use of legendary scrolls to upgrade cloaks is being removed)

Items related to the above exchanges are also planned to be removed in the near future:

  • Challenger's Weapon Selection Ticket

  • Challenger's Weapon Enhancement Ticket

  • Paulina's R99 Weapon Coupon

  • Paulina's R99 Armor Set Coupon

  • Noble Pack

  • Experienced Adventurer's Package

  • Great Adventurer's Package

  • Adventurer's Support Box

  • Requiem Weapon Coupon

  • Immortal Armor Set Coupon

  • Ultimate Support Cube Box

  • Dragon's Breath

Lineage II: Aden

Boss Expedition Mark

As mentioned in the July 2nd Maintenance Notes, the Boss Expedition Mark items will become obsolete after our next Content Update. In preparation to this change, Boss Expedition marks are planned to be removed from the game. Please use this notice to plan accordingly.

Anthara’s Lair & Ice Lord’s Castle

With the next content update, the Anthara’s Lair and Ice Lord’s Castle’s special hunting zones will be unified into a new special hunting zone. With this change, some items that are specific to these regions will become obsolete. From the update date, until the maintenance on Tuesday, October 8, an exchange will be available to players to exchange their obsolete items. Remaining items that were not exchanged will be removed during the maintenance on Tuesday, October 8:

  • Antharas' Lair Time Recharge Stone

  • Antharas' Lair Time Recharge Stone

  • Ice Lord's Castle Time Recharge Stone

  • Ice Lord's Castle Time Recharge Stone

  • Escape: Antharas' Lair

  • Escape - Ice Lord's Castle

  • Advanced Time Recharge Stone Pack

More information regarding the special hunting zone changes, and the item exchange will be provided in the patch notes. Please use this advance notice to prepare for the upcoming Content Update and use the affected items accordingly.

Blood Crystals & Life Control Tower's Scroll of Blessing

Blood Crystals and Life Control Tower’s Scroll of Blessing are planned to be removed from the game during the maintenance on September 10th. Please use this advance notice to prepare and use the affected items accordingly before their removal.

Item Removal

With the changes coming with our next Content Update, a few items are planned to be removed from the game. Please check the list below and plan on using any supply accordingly:

  • Ice Lord's Weapon Type Change Ticket

  • Armor of Protection Type Change Ticket

  • Boss Weapon Type Change Ticket

  • Special Armor Type Change Ticket

  • Dye Change Ticket

Lineage II: Classic

Tantar Ruins Changes

With our next content update, the World Tantar Ruins hunting zone is planned to be changed to Aztacan Temple. With these changes, a few restrictions will be adjusted as follows:

  • The level restriction will be adjusted to level 85+

  • The zone use time will change from weekly to daily, which will be reset when the changes becomes active.

  • Time charging stones level restriction will be adjusted to level 85+.