Hello Players,

We have some important information to share with you regarding changes to the usual weekly maintenance schedule. We will now be moving our weekly maintenance schedule to 2 hours earlier due to various operation changes across NCSOFT regions. This means maintenance will change from 3PM PDT to 1PM PDT. This new schedule will be effective across all of NCA's games.

We realize this may affect certain in-game events across several games, so we will reassess current in-game events and how they are affected by maintenance.

Our new maintenance schedule will begin during the next maintenance on Tuesday, May 21st, 1pm PDT. See you time zone here: https://everytimezone.com/s/c85c8ba7

Weekly Maintenance Schedule

Current: Tuesdays at 10pm UTC (3pm PDT)
New: Tuesdays at 8pm UTC (1pm PDT) See your time zone here: https://everytimezone.com/s/c85c8ba7

Please keep this in mind going forward and adjust your gameplay to accommodate this change. We thank you for your understanding.

- The Community Team